
Its like my dad used to say, lol…’one puts the ends together…then something comes along to pull them apart again.’. My saying is ‘ya just keep rocking no matter what’. I’m just glad i can still enjoy music.
keep rocking mario. You got a ton of talent mate.


Would be interested to know how many m2/nvme ssd drives and the config your considering.
Ive found its like pulling hens teeth to find out often on the normal retail pc;s..
what pcie version they are running. Whether pcie 3 or 4 or 5 etc.

Its kinda important cos i understand m2/nvme will downgrade speed wise on lower versions of pcie. Apparently they/some ? will still work but not at their optimum spec.
For my new pc i’m going all m2 … 3 m2 will keep me happy. one for win , one for recording//playback and one for sample libs.

Now i understand pcie 6 spec is out. As of early 2022.


The thirst for speed….lol. Now heres the 64000 quid question …

Are we reaching the point when raw ssd speed and pcie throughput are more important than the processor spec ?
ie can we get away with say a next generation i3 or i5 more affordable processor but supported say with pcie 5 or 6 ? what are the ramifications for daw use on a daily basis ??

Have we reached the point whereby the budget processors under 200 bucks are sufficient if used with high spec throughput pcie 5/6 and assuming m2/nvme ?


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 06/22/22 03:07 PM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)