Originally Posted By: rayc
you are the only player/writer/recorder I know that can get a good chorused guitar tone and make it work in a mix without sounding like an 80s throwback.
Your playing & writing is excellent - as usual.
Lots of detail in the arrangement and the change gives a great dynamic shift.
Oh, and harmonies - wow!

Thanks Ray! Those rhythm tracks with the chorus effect were actually recorded a few years ago. I remember struggling with getting the right sound that cut through the mix. I think I had little to no reverb on them. I also think the new mastering package I'm using now has helped them shine a little more. I own several high-end guitars in the $3k-$4k range but the funny thing is that I used a cheap $200.00 Fender Squire on those rhythm tracks when I recorded them and they sound fine to me smile