Okay, well this helps explain some things. Yesterday, when I was doing this, I just accepted the default suggestion as to where the audio should begin -- you know that window that pops up telling you which beat it should begin at. Turns out, it was truncating off upwards of a measure and a half of the start of the audio file.

Today, I got to playing around with this window and discovered if I put a "1" where the "-1" was, it came through fine. But then I noticed there was a 2-beat drum fill that was causing the audio track to be two beats off. So I went back to the original backing track and truncated the 2-beat drum fill, then loaded it back into BiaB. Then I ran the ACW. And you know what? The chords it came back with are actually much closer -- still not exactly there, but at least I can edit the BiaB file to get it to where it needs to be without tearing out what few hairs I have left.

At least I was arriving at an accurate tempo for the audio tracks, which was pretty much a PITA, but I saw where it really did matter with the ACW, so I figured it had to be.

But I dunno if I ever would have put together what you guys have just described based on the results I'm seeing. So, this is good to know. And, of course, this means I get to go back and redo the three tunes I attempted to retrieve halfway meaningful chord progressions from.

Last edited by cooltouch; 06/25/22 05:58 AM.