Yep, got it. Bar 1, beat 1. Which is why I got rid of the two-beat drum intros. These backing tracks, being backing tracks and all, are meant to be relatively easy to follow along for, you know, just general woodshedding work. So there are no fancy variances in tempo or odd key changes. The backing tracks I've translated so far have "only" a maximum of two bars per measure, so I'm ok there.

The only problem I had with one BT was it has a push on beat three, every other bar. I've used the carat, eg, ^Am to add a 1/8 beat push, which works ok. But then I ran into a situation where the MIDI drums were being way too clunky with that push, so I had to find a decent RT drum track, with the hopes it might exaggerate it less. And I was successful there.

The only annoying thing about this is just having to go through 80-some-odd measures and replace the existing chord with a chord with the carat. You know, I thought there was a way to edit a chord without having to replace it, say correct Cm7b5 to a Cm7, for example, without having to retype the chord. But I haven't found anything in the Help files or any combination of keystrokes -- so far -- that lets me do this. As I dimly recall, I was able to do this in earlier versions of BiaB. Am I just imagining this, or have I, in my forgetfulness, not yet uncovered how this is done?