This is not an audio problem, of that I'm sure. I don't have issues with Cakewalk, I don't have audio issues with streaming services. This is a track generation problem, I'm more sure of that now than ever before. Band in a Box, as you know, generates the tracks for each song, and it chooses from a wide variety of track data. If you don't understand how BIAB generates a track, it looks at the chord progression and the style. For a major chord, depending on the style, it may have five one-bar, five two-bar, and five four-bar 'phrases', for lack of a better word. It chooses a phrase, and transposes it to the chord you're playing. So, for a one-bar phrase, the original phrases may have been written in C, but if your chord is F, it will transpose the notes of that phrase up to F. If you have a C chord playing for four bars, BIAB will normally select a four-bar pattern. However, if you drop a 'C' into the beginning of each bar, then you will have four one-bar patterns of C. Now, if there are five different phrases of that instrument and style, depending on the weighting, you may get four different phrases, one for each bar. BIAB analyzes the song and the different parts, and will generate the parts before the song begins. This is why BIAB can't be used as an 'auto-accompaniment' system in real time, it wouldn't know what was coming up next and wouldn't be able to give the variety that it does.

Okay, so after looking at what's going on, I've come to the conclusion that there is a problem internal to the program, or somewhere on my computer, but not an audio problem. BIAB should generate all of the data before the song starts. If I use the check box for generating the song part before hand, it in fact DOES generate parts for all four instruments, and then starts. But, somehow, for some reason, those parts are either not being generated correctly, or, they are being regenerated once the song starts. As the regeneration of the tracks begins, it causes the playback to stop or stutter. This is the problem, it's not an audio output problem.

I had BIAB on a drive that was not my boot drive, and it exhibited the same behavior there as it does now on my boot drive. I believe that I'm going to need to fully and completely remove any instance of BIAB on my computer, which means doing a clean of the registry, something I'm not happy about doing because I don't know where all of the registry entries may be. Once I do that, then I can go back and re-install it, and I'll put it back on the other drive where it was.

I DID do a complete new install last night/this morning, and the problems still exist, so it's somewhere deep in the system, and I don't know where. I did install from the hard drive, so unless there is an error/corrupted file on the PG Music supplied hard drive, there shouldn't have been any problems for this.

But, there are problems, and I don't know how to fix them.


Last edited by Gary Curran; 07/03/22 06:50 AM. Reason: added info

I'm blessed watching God do what He does best. I've had a few rough years, and I'm still not back to where I want to be, but I'm on the way and things are looking far better now than what they were!