Originally Posted By: musician17
Alan, I'm so sorry to hear about your and Di's health news. I'll do one of the few things I know how to do in these circumstances, which is to send good thoughts and pray. Regardless, I hope the difficulties of your days ease, at least a little, somehow. I'm here to help in any way I can, so don't hesitate to write, for whatever reason, if you need to.

Your song. You are one of the most amazing composers on here, someone whose new songs I always go immediately to listen to, when you do post them on here. And this is, true to form, a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful song to listen to. The sound of the guitar is hypnotizing, to my mind, and here we have these guitars guiding us, with gentle melodies, into a sad but uplifting journey. I loved it.

The other thing: I usually take notes as I listen, and then post. With this song, I found I couldn't take a single note whilst listening ... I just had to stop and just listen and listen. Which is a big, big compliment, from me.

On my second listen, now ... HOW do you find those chord progressions? SO relaxing, so sad, and yet ... as I already said, "uplifting". Best word I can find.

God bless you and thank you so much for finding the time, somehow, to share your work with us - I'm so happy and enriched, spiritually, for it. Thanks again - take good care :-)

James ...

You are always so kind with your words. I appreciate you very much. I'm delighted you enjoyed the piece.

As far as chord progressions, they just com e to me pretty easily. I am not music literate, but I guess I have a God-given ability to decipher what does and doesn't work. Same thing with cord structure. I can't always explain why certain patterns work and how or why I structued a chord as I did, but I can usually figure out how to do it.

Anyway, many thanks. It's always a true pleasure to have you in my audience. And I equally enjoy being a member of your audience. Take care,


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