I personally have a Ryzen 5 (6 core 12 thread) and 16 gig RAM for home use .. runs my stuff fine and doesn't show any signs of stress even with large files (20+ tracks with FX). In the studio we doubled the RAM, not sure it was needed.
12 gig RAM seems an odd choice .. I'd likely opt for 16 gig and two matching sticks if needed. Probably minimal cost difference.

For monitors I think the 8" does make a difference as noted above.
Monitors are one of those things that until you hear it in your target room, you are guessing.
My BX8a's sounded dull in the next room over, but are MUCH more accurate in this room.
(sadly, I do not think you can find these monitors anymore)
It wasn't because they weren't loud enough for the other room, just that they didn't match the room.
Monitors are hard to recommend for this reason.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome