GEEZE Louise,
some folk play for the fun of it, jam for the joy of it and collaborate for the human interaction of it.

I was a teacher for 40 years and a very strong unionist but that didn't stop me from helping a community member to be able to read the newspaper with some comprehension, or provide resources for a family that couldn't afford them.

Open Mic night wouldn't exists if they didn't provide a solution to a problem.

I agree with play for pay as opposed to pay to play and I recognize that most band venues have succumbed to karaoke or, worse, someone getting paid to play records but there's a place for pubs n clubs that provide an opportunity for the shy, inexperienced, uncertain, unconnected and not particularly talented, amongst others, to perform and even play along.

You know, playing rugby league is hard work but fun. Lots of things are big on effort, prep and personal expenses but fun.
I know, that defines "amateur" BUT most people who play instruments ARE AMATEURS. Seems some folk need to kick off their horse shoes and try on someone else's slippers in reality of metaphorically, if for just a bit. Empathy? Respect? Understanding? Anyone?

Water into wine is one thing but wine into whine is another animal entirely.
Many of the posts above remind me that doing what you love for a living make what you love a business and, in the end, not so loveable.

What is the user showcase if not an online open mic/show n tell?

Last edited by rayc; 07/21/22 07:24 PM.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe