Originally Posted By: eddie1261

Where would music be without you, Billy? And why did you turn down The Beatles when they called you to replace George? Too busy jamming with Django Reinhart, Muddy Waters and T Bone Walker? Meeting Robert Johnson at The Crosswords to write that 40th song for him? I DO appreciate you collaborating on THIS piece though...


Too funny Eddie...lol

But, you need to get the facts straight. Robert only did 29 songs so I would have written the 30th. Well...I would have but we were too involved in the 99's.

I was too busy when Paul called trying to keep from getting shot down while flying with Major Tom.

That was some other guy with my last name because I never co-wrote anything with Mozart. I was still very busy designing another yacht after that first job with Moses.

You forgot to mention the gold records. I am still pretty unhappy about all that. They turned out to be just goal plated. What a rip! Even Riley commented on what a revolting development that was. Then, what does a guy like Jackie Gleason know...lol

You probably need to be pretty old to get the Riley joke...oh well


Last edited by Planobilly; 07/22/22 01:20 PM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo