That is pretty cool Jim. I have all that sort of charts hanging on the wall but not as well consolidated.
Having that sort of reference material handy is a big plus for an old guy like me who has

I also tried to program BIAB to play the Garth Brooks song using the Nashville Number System. I just programmed the first 12 bars or so where Garth is singing and playing acoustic guitar. I was able to find a remarkably close acoustic guitar part. I have no idea how to enter a diminished chord in BIAB using the NNS, had to write the chord in. Also, I have never seen a symbol that indicates that one should arpeggiate a chord in NNS.


EDIT: What the first 12 bars of the Garth Brooks song look like in BIAB in NNS.

Last edited by Planobilly; 07/25/22 10:15 AM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo