Originally Posted By: malevans
I want to get in early this year, well before Christmas.

I sing a lot of Classical Crossover and Opera as well as Irish and Celtic Ballads, also Traditional and Contemporary Folk music.

I get frustrated at the String tracks, very little contrapuntal / counterpoint going on in the string sections. Very mechanical and not very much feeling. The Cello can be more inspirational and the violin, although less so has its uses.

I think users may agree that More String, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion would take BB to another level. Also, Ethnic instruments might also be on the probable list.

What say you all?


agreed 100 %. I love classical opera & celtic too, but tend to use my tyros 5 keyboard more for that now as it gives me a lot more scope.

PLUS ONE FROM ME.Oh and more choirs too pretty please