Currently if we want to import the real track parts all the tracks in a song that are MIDI, we have to do two laborious steps

1) click the "Render To Audio" button

2) click the "Save Song As MIDI" button.

Please can we have a new button and dialog to allow us to export ALL the tracks, MIDI and audio.

Currently the render to audio dialog is actually confusing since it suggests we have the option to export the MIDI parts, whereas actually it RENDERS those midi parts as audio, which isnt always ( usually I suspect ) what people want to do.

An extra check box in the Render dialog stating " Also export MIDI" should be enough.

basically, the ability to "dump" ALL the data for a song onto seperate track files would be a real time saver.

The more that BIAB gets to be used for serious production the more this stuff will need to be refined. since with production its all about the "workflow".

Big Sur, Mac Mini i7 2018, 64GB RAM 2TB SSD
Yamaha PSR SX 900, Cubase, Ableton, UNIFY, OPUS ORCHESTRATOR, MASCHINE, Vienna Ensemble Pro ,Audiofuse, L6 HELI, KOMPLETE, Komplete Kontrol 88
Lockdown beard, podgy face, beer belly, bald patch ... yadda yadda