Hey there Bass Thumper, I have to admit I got kind of a chuckle out of your description of the song. I've never considered myself a strong vocalist, but thanks for the vote of confidence. I just happen to sing for free, so it's more affordable! Actually, a recent illness left me without the use of one of my lungs. Singing at all is difficult, but I keep trying.

Thank you Rob, I'm always guessing at where and how to use BGV's.

Thanks for the listen Mario. Both Merle and Waylon used a steel guitarist named Ralph Mooney for a while. I always thought he was a big part of their sounds, and probably my favorite player in their bands. Unfortunately he died before Biab came out. I sure wish I could have used his playing on this one.

Thank you Dan, that means a lot.

Thanks Marty - you're always so uplifting!

Thanks for giving it a listen Floyd. I found myself struggling with the drum volume again, but I kept telling myself, "No, Floyd always says to keep them up!" So that's what I did. Thanks for the help.

I didn't think of that Torrey. Thanks for giving it a listen and for the suggestion. I'll have to do some experimenting.
