
thanks so much for listening and commenting.
much appreciated.

Re 'theatrics"...and me having fun with theatrics….some inside info …lmao.

theatrics prolly goe back to my time in bands when the mates/fellow musos would ask me to go bonkers cos that way they would hope to get women throwing stuff at us…stuff i cant mention in this forum lol.
prolly even earlier when i sang in a 'snooty' church choir and drove the choirmaster nuts on occasion with our pranks.
my lovely wife gave me a nice b'day card in july where she said i was a 'wild crazy adventure' .lol.

Re. Doubling.
yep there are lots of methods to thicken vocs of course.
on this song what i did was copy the vocs to another copy trak , slipped the copy vocs ahead a tad millisec or so and added some slight fx from the pg echo/chorus dxi plug in. i also used a tad compression.
then i put the copy voc trak under the original voc trak. i dont use autotune, cos my belief is that the odd 'off' voc note is just 'human'. however if the voc trak is totally pear shaped…then i re-sing the voc parts/composit to get final voc track. i like doing crazy stuff and experiment.

re..time pressure in big studios. i agree. but i have to be fair…ive had good experiences too.

ps can someone please clarify a question re soundcloud ??
ie after i upload a new song to SC it asks me if i want some mastering thingy used.
what is this ? is it useful ? i normally bypass it. thanks for any advice.

Re...steel .

Ray mebe the song crosses genres ?

happiness to all.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 08/14/22 04:12 PM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)