Originally Posted By: Al-David
Hi Marty ...

Man, I really like this! Uh - no better singer needed - this guy is doing a stand-out job.

Been there - done that. Sure is frustrating! But in the end, I'm happy all has turned out the way it did! Nice work on the tempo change and sax. I don't think you need to change a thing - it's just fine as is.

Thanks so much, Al. Your opinion is important to me.

Originally Posted By: rayc
A song that is written by Marty, sung by Marty & has bass by Marty has a head start in life.
This one kept its pace and stayed out front for the win.
You def picked the right processing for the vocal mate.
I like the slow down/false ending...in fact I'd have added a beat or two of silence to exaggerate it but that's just me.
Lovely stuff.

HAHA. Wish I could say that about my kids. And yeah, that's a great idea to add silence. Really accent the pause just before the singer finally gives into his desire. Unfortunately I've already included it in my next album that has been sent off to be released on the 17th. That happens a lot. Never done with the mix. The most updated version is always on my website, but that's more for storage than promotion.

Originally Posted By: PeterF

That was an excellent performance and a lovely song.

The sax worked well (I played along for fun). Nice ending and a top notch song.


Hello, Peter. So glad you like it. Man, I'd love to hear you playing along.

Originally Posted By: MarioD
Marty, you have a great voice so don't knock it.

This is top shelf all the way
Great vocal
Super love song
Outstanding mix - nice slow down on the guitar lead - brilliant

Loved it
Hey, Mario. I'll stop knocking my voice. The thing is that I know how it sounds by itself. The trick is to surround it with good sounds, and it's a lot harder when I don't have Dave in my corner.

Enjoy whatever happens!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@babumusic51
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/marty-straub
and https://soundcloud.com/babumusic-5080285
Band in a Box, Reaper, Cakewalk, Ozone 11