it seems to me the major strategic question is ….how does society CONNECT the consumers of music to the creators of music whereby the musicians make 'some money'....and everybody is happy.
(i know some people will laugh at me ..but i pray every day for a very happy world.)

It seems to me that there is a big disconnect between consumers of music and creators of music, and i think it's obvious that many consumers of music arent willing to spend time going thru' sites where unknown or new artists post their songs. thus imho both the consumer and the creator lose.
given above also i wonder who is gonna pay for gear in the future.

in the past of course commercial radio stations were the conduit for introducing new artists/songs.
thats how lots of people, and myself included found out about new artists.

Personally, I'm not on any user music production/recording forums other than pg here.
fwiw…one reason i stay here is i really like the way people try to help each other and new users.
as well as the exchange of ideas and support.
frankly i wouldnt be here if it devolved to be like some sites with arguments and umbrage etc etc.

but it troubles me (and assuming my crazy songs are that lots of my fellow v talented musos ive heard in the user showcase arent exposed more to the wider world of music consumers.

that fiverr DOES look ionteresting.
IF i could earn that Melvin...i would be way more than happy...cos good or bad my 'thing' is...
'the joy creating a song gives me'.
ive created songs with everything from total junk gear up to major studios...and all of it ive enjoyed.

happiness to all.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)