Originally Posted By: dcuny
Love the drums. (I'm a sucker for the sidestick).

Your vocals are as smooth as ever.

Subtle harmonies on the second verse.

Clever reveal in the final verse - didn't see that coming, but all the signs were there.

Nicely done, you and Tim.

Much appreciated, David...

Originally Posted By: musician17
Ok. First: this song oozes experience. One can tell it's not been written by a beginner, not least by the tone in your voice. That soft change in the voice on the word "curse", in the third verse ... aha :-) You know just how to change your voice tone, how to change inflection, subtly, on words to bring them out, etc. ... this is a work done by a master.

The harmonic progression is not complex, but it works perfectly here. The instrumentation choices are excellent ... that fiddle solo is great, the pattern of the guitar I love. Subtle harmonies, too, as David says. And the lyrics: who ain't been there ain't a musician, in my humble opinion.

One of your best, I think.

Thanks for the nice comments, James...