I've had two "real jobs" since I graduated from school. As I got irritated with the music business, I tested what it was to be "normal" and found normal to be over-rated. So neither one lasted all that long.

The music business has its ups and downs, but for me, it's better than being an employee to some faceless corporation. YMMV

I was a Phone Repairman when phones were hooked to the system by wires, and a Cable TV Field Engineer, (a fancy title for what was 90% technician and 10% engineering).

My take is this: Underground cable is less prone to wind, car-crash, and other damaging problems, but when it does have a problem, it takes longer to troubleshoot and repair. I don't know if that holds true to electric service, but it sure does for phone and CATV.

FPL wants to keep those meters spinning (even though they don't actually spin anymore) so hardening the system helps FPL as much as it helps us.

I've been through every hurricane in Florida since Donna, and this is the quickest restoration I've seen so far. In the year we had Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne, our neighborhood was out of power for 10 days each.

I live in a low density area where the utilities don't service many homes per mile of cable, so we get restored last. The utilities try to get the most customers back on as soon as possible, so it makes sense to put us off until last. It's the price we pay for living in almost paradise.

Kudos to FPL for doing a great job hardening the system to those meters can keep spinning, and the homes can stay lighted.

Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks