Hi Greg, Firesong, Ezekiel and Deej,

Thanks a lot for commenting on the song in such nice words.

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Cool song!!!! Your vocals are always great, and this is no exception!! Very good arrangement/production!! Sorry to hear about your cat. My favorite cat (who was clueless outside the house) disappeared many years ago.....still miss him! Nice song!!! Take care. Greg

Hi Greg, Nice comment on the vocals. They are becoming more of a concern to me as I get older. But my wife says they're good enough, like you said. That's reassuring (I think). And the cat and yours too. You have terrible cats, nice cats and cats you love. I think your missing cat was of the latter category. like mine. And missing is worse than dead. I just made a song about him...

Originally Posted By: firesong
Hans...great track...well sung...very interesting and engaging song...really fine production!

Hi Firesong, that a very nice comment, with a lot of dots too ;-)

Originally Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm
The mix and mastering sounds good. I am still using Ozone 9; I haven't sprung for the upgrade yet.
The lyrics are top notch, and your impassioned vocal carries the already good song.

Hello Ezekiel, thanks for your nice comment. I'm starting to get used to OZ10 now, but still find it strange that the mastering is in the mix. I always had that separated. But it does save a lot of time!

Originally Posted By: Deej56

So good to see you back on the board . . . and more importantly to hear something new from you. Creative write and that chorus is powerful, some beautiful harmonies accented by the strings . . . and then that rockier shift in the second verse. And, wow, love the delay/reverb in that third verse. Great arrangement, mix, and production. Terrific listen!

And sorry about your cat—I’ve got two and if one slipped away I’d be devastated. Maybe he’ll find his/her way back yet.
Impressive tune!

Stay well—

Hi Deej, thank you for your words. I still have a grin on my face now that I'm answering you.
And about the cat; I have a mother cat and two children. There was some big trouble at the birth of them. Mother went crazy, still not allright and the sweetest cat is gone. Presumably death. I just wrote a song about it (a bit of grief processing I think). So, like in your penultimate sentence; That's what I am.

Wish you all a very pleasant day,

Hans Berkhout