Originally Posted By: Pipeline
Here's your Biab Live Arranger playing wma direct
you just need to put it in an easy programmed crossplatform language so you don't spend half the year on Win and the other half on Mac.
It just needs to be basic without all the Biab features.
When the user loads a style it just loads all the track data for those RTs and plays the user's chord input back direct from the wma/wav source file sections that are referenced in the data.
Or you can just wait till Yamaha do it.

Or you can just wait till Yamaha do it.
The "Realtracks inside a keyboard" concept, now a reality(?)
Originally Posted By: Icelander
It does seem that they've now all but perfected the implementation of the very concept which many on here have been suggesting PG could've (should've!) done ages ago. It even promises to include 'Unique' Soloists! shocked


And for some proper audio examples:


I have seen so many posts posted here for years showing PG clearly how this can be done, but the response from PG has been "we can't do this with Biab because of old users with old computers" or zero response at all that is most of the time, so the technology must not surpass that of old user's hardware, so basically stay 20 years behind ?

Other companies come here to get ideas that are posted here and they implement them long before PG ever get around to it, I have seen this over n over.
I have seen PG delete posts that clearly outline issues where users are trying to help to make it better.
So if you tell the truth you get cancelled.
You don't get this on the Reaper forum where users can openly criticize and not get cancelled.
You need to appreciate constructive criticism, so speak up and "engage" with users and not take them for granted.
As been stated there is so much info that has been posted here clearly showing how well it works way better in speed and ease giving way more control, way ahead of how Biab has been working and is currently working but just seems to fall on deaf ears with zero engagement from PG, I can see how this can be very discouraging for users.
PG needs to spend time away from Biab on other software, see how it works, how smooth and easy things are etc.. rather than being stuck in a bubble.
Other users need to study whats been posted and try it out for themselves and not wait years for PG to hold their hand and give them the OK.

This may well be another post that gets deleted frown