The real base of the arguement here is should PG rewrite BiaB to include all the things that folks complain about. The biggest part of the complaint comes from Mr. Zero Zero, who I will say seems like a real decent chap, that like the rest of us want PG to be successful, and want the best software he can get for his investment. I respect him for that.

But i completely disagree about a ground up rewrite, i think that is too aggressive, and also invasive. There are far to many folks here that like Biab as it is. Sure i would love , as I am sure most would to see a new more modern face on it someday with some updated menus and button function.

Zero/Zero keeps clamoring for a rewrite, adding mixers, multiports, full VSTi function like a synth rack, full on recording like a typical DAW, so he can do 99% of what he wants right there in Biab, and maybe polish it a tad in cubase. He has ask for BiaB to be morphed into something far more. He has a right to ask! I have a right to resist. We are both paying users.

My reason for resistance is simple. What he wants is already there. In RB, but he has issues with that since he has not been able to get RB to work properly. I suggest getting on line or phone with PG and sorting out the problems, rather than keep asking them to abandon the path chosen. I want refinement and progress with the current models, not total change, since i feel that would set things back for years.

I love what RB is becoming, it is very close to being a major DAW tool. VSTi needs refining, ASIO needs to be made a tad better, and it needs full automation envelope capabilities and it will be right there with other DAWs. BiaB on the other hand is what it is, and does not need major change, it need gentle updating. I agree that a bit more comprehensive mixer, rather than just volume control in the tool bar would be nice. As far as VSTi rack, hhmmmm interesting idea. Right now you need a GM synth or route out to a hardware synth. You can use any VSTi like sampletank, or Kontact, and then hand pick the patches. This makes it hard if you use a large variey of sounds, but if you use like a jazz combo it is easy. Maybe a small three slot synth rack would solve some of the issue, and be easy to implement, thus making the program more powerful for ZZ, and other with his needs.

I am just afraid of constant pressure on a software company like PG in this economy where they cave in and try some radical changes, and the large majority have to suffer thru huge growing pains, much like the sonar issues of late.

Zero, i appolgize if anything i said or have said are in anyway not cool to you. I don't mean to put words in your mouth, but over the past few months this is what it seems you want. I think what we have is fine with small refinements and future growth. I would love to see you get RB up and running properly, and will help anyway I can.

Best Regards Rob.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.