This song is about me and my loved cat.

It's a sad, recent story. I wrote about it when posting my former song, If Only. My cat then went missing and never came back.
Making this song has done nasty things to me. I even ended up in the hospital where the doctors thought I had had a heart attack the night before.
I told them this could not be the case, but I was not believed (can you believe that???). In the end, nothing was wrong with my heart. Well... not technically, but in a way there was; I have a very weak spot there when it comes to my cats, especially this one. His disappearance and the making of this song gave me more tension then I had thought. I'm getting old, I think.

I hope you can appreciate the song. Even if you are no cat lover ;-). Let me know if something sounds wrong or whatever.
Thanks a lot,
The lyrics are on SoundCloud
Technicall stuff:
Style: HERE4ME.STY, key D, temp 90 bpm

RT bass: 2612, Electr.
RT piano:1728, Ac.
RT Guitar 1: 3724, Electr.
RT Guitar 2: ~362, Ak
RT guitar 3: 3583, ac.
RT guitar4, solo, 3700, Ac
RealDrums: Americana Drums and Shaker [Multi]
Ooh/Aah forgot number
Organ and keyboard, Native Instruments

Mixing Logic pro X, Mastering Ozone 10

Hans Berkhout