well theres a way i often work in realband if i dont want to wait for wav trak generation.
its sorta a trick i found works v fast particularly as rb is sooo good at midi. n' saves lotsa time.

when ive used midi in other daws , even big name pricey ones, ive found i get frustrated cos i lose the trak genning features of rb.

i use this idea in the early stages of song idea development.

what i do is work in all midi in rb testing out song arrangements and concepts and
running tests. like scratch traks…which helps me in lyric development and vocal strategies.

'then' once i am comfortable ive finalised the song arrange etc etc per above…

only then , do i get into wav's etc. for me i just like rb cos i have the flexibility of 48 traks.

i like to work v fast , no waiting, when i'm developing song ideas.
by doing above i save time. and even sometimes , i have found happy little sound accidents occur useing plug ins on midi traks.



New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)