Is the email address from a domain you own, or a free one?

If the email is with a domain you own, I'd try something like Spam Stops Here filtering before cancelling it. If it is a GMail account or Yahoo or similar you won't be able to.
You can whitelist/blacklist whatever you want using a service like that. The challenge is you need to know how and have the option to change your DNS MX records for the domain to point to them first. .. click Register Here ..

We have customers using M365, Google Business, etc. and still want this spam filtering, as according to them it improves their mailbox significantly.
Not too expensive .. well at least for us as we happen to be a long time vendor with them.
They got bought out by ZIX so it seems it is getting harder to create a basic SSH account with them, as ZIX wants to sell you more services in one of their packages .. but the second link appears to allow signing up.

Another option is to first have the old email forward to a new email .. then reply/notify the desired vendors of the email change so they can verify etc, before cancelling the old account. Ignore the spam accounts before cancelling, and then when comfortable delete it (or stop checking it).

I had an issue where I lost an email address due to lack of use (it was really old) and it turns out it was used for here at PGMusic.

I logged into the forum, used the Chat function where they could kind of verify who I was since I was logged in and they were happy to change it.
If you actually delete the old account, any vendor/supplier could verify you did delete it by getting an email delivery error, and then most likely be willing to believe your email change.
Sometimes a phone call works wonders too, as then they know your number and who you are .. so more likely to grant the change.

Last edited by rharv; 10/23/22 05:50 AM.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome