Lost no, it's deleted because posts were deleted telling the truth. Everything I post I post to help and tell the truth not to con people or rip them off, I'm not selling anything I don't make any money out of anything frown I go out of my way to help anyone out.
Then I see other companies implementing yet another idea I posted for PG free of charge putting so much time and effort into working out way better ways to do things. Then I see posts praising PG for something implemented that they thought couldn't be done, BUT I posted how to do it years n years n years ago.
I think it goes over the top of heads, like "This again?, he's crazy what's he talkin' about ?" but then when PG implements it years n years n years later it's like WOW that's awesome PG we didn't think that was doable.

I think it can be likened to the politics in the US where someone that did so much good but was too "brash" in some peoples minds was got rid of by dubious means and replaced by a bumbling WEF slave puppet with a teleprompter and an ex president in his ear. Now that the elites got rid of him the US and the whole world is going down the drain and on the brink of WWIII, woo hoo let's poke the bear and start WWIII regime change and believe with our heart and soul what MSM tells us, bet our lives on MSM news to the point of nuclear destruction frown So you can see how people who tell the truth are got rid of and demonized. But the good thing is ALL the truth is coming out now about everything, a giant wake up call Near Death Experience and enlightenment for all.

I didn't need no wake up call to see what was going on as I had my Near Death Experience 32 years ago (maybe I should of got onto PG then and nip the things that would cause the future problems in the bud frown )
I did not get here until 2009 but I see other user joined long before then so why didn't they get more into studying the workings and get it to a better place, reaper was released in 2006 then realband years after that, why on earth was realband not made to work like reaper and other DAW's ? did anyone look outside the box or were they living in the 90's still ??

Blessed is he who has ears to hear, now back to implementing ideas to make things better smile maybe that is why I was sent here, who knows ? though I just given up so many times and left here thinking why bother it falls on deaf ears !