Couldn't Biab create the notes "intelligently" by using the Playable RealTrack samples ??? and allow custom user chords ??

I tried adding the notes manually and it's sounded perfect using the RT sample set.
Short of exporting to Reaper and using Melodyne or doing a deal with Celemony to include Melodyne within Biab internally, this works.
Obviously RealTracks can't be recorded with all the chords listed that Biab “recognizes”.
How else would this forever recurring issue ever be solved ?

If Playable RealTracks were shown how they could work years n years ago but were only just implemented recently with users amazed that "PG" worked out how to do it as they didn't think it was possible. Will this be another example suggested here that too will be implemented years down the track ??

RapidCompser is adding the chord note to the phrase below and allows users chords to be added to the library.

See how other companies did that after it was suggested here, with their RealTrack instruments that have all the pre-recorded chord playing phrases but also lets you add notes, so you can drag export a phrases as midi, add notes to it to get the chords or solo you want.

"Virtual Guitarist SPARKLE 2 is your session specialist for chords, octaves and single note electric guitar riffs. A true team player that doesn’t hog the limelight, supporting your songs with just the right amount of swagger and style."

The Bass one will play phrases over the chord track and instrument mode for custom riffs with keyswitch articulations also.

Same deal with their Drums plugin phrase mode and instrument mode.