Russell look at it this way. Think of the process you will involve when you record. Are you a midi instrument guy, or do you just build the song in BiaB and then add vocals and maybe a guitar track or two?

This is the best way to define your work flow, then use software that compliments this path.

For instance almost all of my work is either downloaded midi files or original tunes layed out in BiaB that end up as midi files. I enter these in RB and then add a guitar track or two and a vocal track or three. So the process is simple really, and RB will handle it. With original tunes i sometimes go to a different DAW due to the fact it handles VSTis a bit better, but sometimes now i stay in RB. Simple is better to me. If you use simple biab tracks and want to add to them RB is all you will need for now. It is a very capable simple DAW. The real tracks features are a huge advantage for those who might play only one or two instruments.

The difference in RB and BiaB is work flow. In BiaB you basically type the chords chose a style and listen the the track and adjust. There is only one real audio track to add to it.

In RB you can do the same, but it is a little more complex than BiaB in the process. But to add tracks is a breeze. Highlight a track, chose the type it will be, and hit record.

Next you need to follow the signal path to process. Go check out Ray's Tutorials to see what he has done it might help a ton.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.