
re your specific template setting needs and template creation.

i have a new mini pc that i'm v happy so far running reaps/rb/biab, and everything is set up perfect FOR ME…and i dont wanna muck around with settings as its running like a champ.

as you have needs different from moi i would try your own template experiments and see how far you can take the 'make and save template SEQ idea' with your specific needs and/or ask pg support.
cos i dont know the internal workings of rb or ptw obviously.

in summary run your own template creation tests mate.
eg lets say you want to use 3 different settings template configs..
you could name em' CONFIG01.SEQ,CONFIG02.SEQ, and CONFIG03.SEQ.



rock on !!

Last edited by justanoldmuso; 11/03/22 07:25 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)