I believe there has been a lot of chatter about the inability to use bar settings on the utility tracks.

Hmmm ... how hard would it by to implement automating the mute button in the mixer? You could right click on it and have a context menu to select bar ranges to mute. Then a '+' button to add another section to mute, etc.

This would be an infinitely superior workflow than going track by track and inserting silence from the audio editor.

I think the issue with the legacy tracks is mostly about the MIDI channels for the 'band.'

Of course that could even be cooler if you also had shots and holds generation available. But at least it would be a first step.

Any reason automation couldn't be implemented in the mixer? It could have a lot of future benefits with respect to real time adjustment of other mixer controls and possibly even accessible parameters of hosted plugins.

Yes, I want everything.

Help! I've fallen up and can't get down!