I think its a little sad that Peter Gannon has to come out and defend BIAB and RB when for most of us the functionality is as good as it gets and in fact, over the top for what a lot of us need. elsewhere I've posted that playing live and for recordings I'm trying to recreate the sound of the small bands I've actually played in.

and i realise that some people want to create their own musical magnum opus but BIAB and RB already create the sound i want. live i played guitar and a friend played lead (he is actually a very good guitarist) so we were obviously creating a lot of our own sound. but the bass, drums, keyboard and when needed horns and strings were from BIAB via PT or RB. we had the sound of a complete band. and when there is just me for recording i get all the sounds i want.

and of course the added advantage is that the drummer does not go off with strange women at half time and the lead guitarist doesn't fall off the stage having smoked too much dope in the interval. oh and by the way - it was a different lead guitarist not the one i mentioned above!