
thanks for taking time to comment. very good of you.

as you can appreciate , over the years ive pointed many people/musos to your products..
like lots of pg users i'm sure.
and thus feel a bit daft if one of them gets back to me and says 'why in biab but not rb?'

please allow me to clarify one aspect of the rb request. if its a prob …i dont need loads of rb traks to be played back in rb stylepicker. if it might things easier for your team, maybe just the relevant few rt's in the style in the stylepicker. like in biab.

excuse me if i'm being technically daft but what i'm wrestling with is why biab can create using the user chord sheet, but rb cant in the stylepicker.
obviously biab has the code , so i assumed (maybe stupidly) that it would be a simple task of useing same programming code from biab in rb.
let me emphasise i'm not asking for anything additional over what biab provides.

let me explain further…when i'm creating a song , i often, , after creating the song chord sheet…
i'll try a slew of styles and rt's against my established chord sheet.

so in rb i'm always going to n' fro' in n' out of stylepicker. as i'm going thru say a thousand styles say and rt's etc etc…its a week long process often.

in summary i'm very thorough , and with any song i just dont say that style or few rt's 'will do'.
cos with my methods ive had many happy accidents eg discovering a rt from a jazz style might be useful in another genre.
actually its lotsa fun playing back a chord sheet ive made for a rock song against a totally different non rock style and seeing what 'sound pictures' are created that might be useful , but in my rock song.

Peter i only comment , cos your products have helped not only moi but sooo many fellow musos…thus i care deeply.

thanks again n' Merry Xmas.
i wish you a great successful 2023.

Rusty .

thanks for the info…i didnt know this has been implemented in 2023 now.
very good of you to comment.

Merry Xmas n' have a great 2023.


New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)