Originally Posted By: firesong
Brian...great production...can you copyright a style of music or a guitar riff? that sounds insane to me...

In the U.S. of A. , unfortunately, this is possible. I remember that Taylor Swift, when asked what it takes to become a pop star, replied: "a good lawyer".

Originally Posted By: firesong
I remember in collage we studied "On Being Sane in Insane Places" the premise being...if you were incarcerated in an insane asylum every sane reaction to your environment or attempt to escape would appear to prove your insanity!...the song is so well done and probably only an AI (like Natalie) can fully appreciate dealing with insane people smile

I like this kind of thought experiments a lot smile

Thank you for your nice comment, Dan!

Making bits and bytes sound good...

Goldmania Bella - A One-Man Girlband with no fans
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