I'm trying to get the bars in sync in the Plugin to the bars in the DAW so the signatures greater than 4/4 are spread across the one bar so the Plugin plays back in sync with the DAW.

"Notes: For time signature higher than 4/4, each bar is spread out over 2 or more bars (e.g. 5/4 will be written as 3/4+2/4). For 12/8 or 6/8, use 4/4 with a triplet feel (e.g. Irish). For 9/8, use a waltz."

I would recommend that you simply choose a time signature and tempo that match the plugin.

Ya reckon, that's what we are all forced to do but I'm trying to get out of the box not stay in it. This comes up so many times in the forum over the years so I'm trying to find a way to fix the issue to allow "Look Ma RealTimeSignatures", maybe not in Biab but at least in the Plugin, if I mention about RealTimeSignatures in Biab the posts seem to get deleted or moved.

I do go to a lot of trouble trying to work out how to make things better but it always seems to be so easily dismissed, another Solo Mute button scenario.
The issues I work on are the recurring ones that keep coming up that are holding users back.
Thanks musocity! Can you provide exact steps for me to follow to reproduce this crash?

That's all I do is provide exact steps, pics videos, long explanations that other companies seem to have no problem using to put that feature in their software, you just need to read all the posts and follow the steps.
I really try hard to come up with solutions, you can't expect users to sit their and wait ages for midi tracks to be generated up with a ton of wav files or wait for audio tracks, why use the Plugin instead of Biab that's much faster ??? Don't bury your heads in the sand get the issues sorted out once and for all.
Other companies have no problem coming here to get ideas that they then implement, I have seen this over n over.
Originally Posted By: Ronald Knit
Attention: Peter Gannon
Please consider fixing what is broken as designed: time signatures like 5/4, 7/8....
The existing "fix" of alternating 2/4 and 3/4 time signatures sounds terrible (the downbeat of each measure gets the same emphasis), and is horrible in notation.
I've been waiting for this to be resolved since the first version I bought which I believe I got on 5¼" floppy.