I would like to see support for multiple styles added to the VST. I have a song where I've used three styles, for example DIXIMQT, _Jalopy, _DIXIMED styles, especially where '_Jalopy' has a clarinet solo, I would like to see those styles and associated parts, be generated by the VST. Currently, they aren't and do not generate.

For now, my workaround is to have Cakewalk and Band In A Box open on two different monitors and I have to drag the tracks from BIAB to Cakewalk, I can't open the VST Plugin and be able to generate the tracks from multiple styles since the VST doesn't recognize more than the A and B styles.

Thank you.


I'm blessed watching God do what He does best. I've had a few rough years, and I'm still not back to where I want to be, but I'm on the way and things are looking far better now than what they were!