Originally Posted By: sslechta
Cool stuff! Look about 7 posts down in this same forum and you'll see the previous topic on this. I was fascinated and posted a screenshot of my search. People are being taken over by AI!!! Skynet is active! smile AI lyrics, AI voice synth, bass/guitar/drum synths. Robots will have all the fun when we're long gone. LOL I do love it though.

I would do some Google searches on any generated lyrics just to see if it infringes on copyright.

Thanks, I had seen (but forgot) that thread at https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=745787. I remember being amazed by the AI’s capabilities there and, in my own experiment, its ability to spin up new material off an example with zero guidance. Wow and yikes.

Here’s where the actual tool lives, it will cost you sharing an email address but that’s all:
