Originally Posted By: Bass Thumper
Janne, you are a master lyricist indeed and you have a command of the English language few of us have.
Very enjoyable listen and the feel and synth vocals remind me of one of my favorite bands, Renaissance/Annie Haslam.
I wonder if you were inspired by them.


Thanks BT for your too kind comment smile "Master lyricist" sounds very over-exaggeration, but I will certainly hang that badge on my wall laugh

You introduced me to Renaissance already in my "The River Of Eternity" song comment thread, and I thank you for that. Hadn't heard them before, but now I have been enjoying many of their great tracks like Ocean Gypsy, Grandine Il Vento and Ashes Are Burning. So this song wasn't inspired by them, because it was written long time ago, but maybe some new songs will be smile


Last edited by jannesan; 01/13/23 08:59 AM.

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