Hi Floyd,

As I also write to other members of the forum, I try to catch up with the songs that were placed on the forum for the last couple of weeks, because I lay in my bed coughing my lungs out.

I read the story about the song and why it couldn't become the hit it had to be.
Especially on the lyrics it had to be a hit. You are the master on writing lovestory lyrics. Haven't seen anyone better..., ehh..., in English.

About the band/recording I had the same feeling as Ray described about the percussion. Nothing bad, but I think I prefer a less dryer 'tick'.
But it was nice to hear you start with a piano. Mostly it is your guitar.
And about the vocals; they got very high. Amazing! Do you still reach that hight? I can't anymore.

Altogether, a lovely song that should have been a hit. For me it is!


Hans Berkhout