Originally Posted By: Bass Thumper
If you listen thanks, and comments welcome particularly on the song structure and the panning applied.

Howdy BT....

The composition itself I think is fine.
Straight forward and easy to like.
Probably a good backing track for the lead players too.

The "panning"....I'm not a fan of the hard panning of lead tradeoffs and they are slightly uneven to my aural receptors.
It's a bit distracting and I think it's totally unnecessary.
If that's a must for your creative purposes I would (at most) pan them at 11:00 & 1:00 or 10:00 & 2:00.
With the limited instrumentation (I'm not hearing keys), and if it were my choice, I would pan the rhythm guitar at 2:00 and all the leads at 10:00....or vice versa.
I'd but the bass at 12:00.

You have a good cut here and this would be my quite subjective opinion.
Which, of course, you can ignore totally smile.
I do hope that helps....

(EDIT: firesong heard piano riffs which I didn't for some reason.
It that's the case I'd go 10:00 & 2:00 with the rhythm guitar & piano and all leads at 12:00)

Back to it....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 01/19/23 10:32 AM.