Originally Posted By: chulaivet1966
Originally Posted By: Bass Thumper
If you listen thanks, and comments welcome particularly on the song structure and the panning applied.

Howdy BT....

The composition itself I think is fine.
Straight forward and easy to like.
Probably a good backing track for the lead players too.

The "panning"....I'm not a fan of the hard panning of lead tradeoffs and they are slightly uneven to my aural receptors.
It's a bit distracting and I think it's totally unnecessary.
If that's a must for your creative purposes I would (at most) pan them at 11:00 & 1:00 or 10:00 & 2:00.
With the limited instrumentation (I'm not hearing keys), and if it were my choice, I would pan the rhythm guitar at 2:00 and all the leads at 10:00....or vice versa.
I'd but the bass at 12:00.

You have a good cut here and this would be my quite subjective opinion.
Which, of course, you can ignore totally smile.
I do hope that helps....

(EDIT: firesong heard piano riffs which I didn't for some reason.
It that's the case I'd go 10:00 & 2:00 with the rhythm guitar & piano and all leads at 12:00)

Back to it....

Hey chulaivet, thanks for your good inputs. I will try to implement them in future songs.
FWIW, Guitar 3 was panned Hard Right and Guitar 4 was panned L66, everything else had zero panning. The thinking was I wanted to seperate the 2 guitars so they wouldn't be confused as the same guitar. I do agree that the panning was a bit prominent but I thought that's what people like. I too prefer less prominence so that the blend is more central. There is probably a whole science behind this topic.

As for the BiaB piano riff that you didn't hear, it's short and begins at 1:40. There is also an organ riff at the same time that I am playing. But the organ may have too much volume which stepped on the piano too much. For any instrument I play I lean towards increasing the volume at least a little for 2 reasons 1) I hope others can give good critiscm on my playing and 2) when I'm "old" and my hearing begins to fail I'm hoping that I'll still be able to hear the parts I played.

BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.