Hi Torrey, Mario and Brad,

Thanks a lot for listening and commenting a song about doing nothing ;-)

Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss
Hans and collab team,
It doesn't matter what style of song you do, your vocals always make a song work well! You've got a great voice for Pop/Rock tunes! Your collaboration team you put together served you well! I like the experimental nature of the instrumentation you used and feel it worked well!

Thanks, T

Torrey, the collab team was complaining they had not much to do. But I told them they did a wonderful job for me. I liked what they did!
Sometimes it lead to nothing, but then the song changed and that was because of them. The only instrument that was not exchanged for another at all was the sitar.
Their resistance was fierce at first, till that moment most of them loved it...
But they had to be patience on the final song, because first I got the flew and later that turned into pneumonia. That was heavy stuff! And I also got the wrong medicine...

Originally Posted By: MarioD
Hans and company, you hit the nail right on the head with this song.

"People who value freedom most are most often deprived of it*
It's where tyrants rule in rogue states, and they laugh in our faces
Do you see democracy dying, while extremism thrives?
This will destroy societies before our very eyes"

That is so true and happening as I type.
Outstanding song in every way.

PS - loved that sitar!

Mario, ha! You liked the sitar!!!
To tell you the truth, I never used that instrument in my songs. I knew George Harrison used it in a song with a Maharadja. It wasn't my cup of tea...

Yes, those sentences you've quoted took me a lot of time. Not because of the message, but how to make them fit in the song. And while I was ill, I read the papers and saw that line from Ales Bialiatski from Belarus and I thought "That's what I need!" The other lines I already wrote, but couldn't sing of course.
But that sentece of doing nothing is actually a bit true. Well we use less meat, don't fly often, but on the other hand...
And that was the main message. Thanks you liked it, Mario!

Originally Posted By: Brad Williams
Hans, you sure chose a good collaboration team - and the results prove it. Personally I usually don't like the sound of a sitar, but along with your comrades, I think it works very well in this song. Good for you for sticking to your guns. I thought the mix was also very good, and that it was a very good write as well. I think the specific topic is interchangeable with many topics, and as a result becomes relevant to a vast array of people. Good job on a good song.


Brad, if you read my relies to Torrey and Mario, you'll see I didn't like it either. But sometimes you have to take a step out of your own groove, at least I think like that. And you are right, the topics I 'touched' could have filled a song from 6 hours. No one would have listened to it, but there is a lot to worry about. I haven't named your country...;-))
Thanks a lot for this nice comment, Brad!

I wish you all a very nice musical day,

Hans Berkhout