Yes, Eddie, you can experiment with volume pots of different ohms. You also can get two-position push-pull tone pots and micro switches to devise more complex town switching arrangements.

RJ gave an excellent description of the possibilities.

You can buy pots and caps from many places. I get them from Digikey and CE Distribution. I have commercial accounts, but both places will sell to anyone retail.

9V batteries are customarily placed in routed-out spaces on the back of solid-body electric guitars and covered with a plastic or chrome plate. They are common on guitars with active pickups. That is a job for someone skilled in woodworking.

This guitar is wired, sort of what you are describing. The tone switch on the bottom is push-pull, and so is the volume control switch. You can also see the crap woodworking job I did on routing out for the Floyd Rose bridge. Perhaps one day, I will fix the mess.

Here you can see the micro switch I installed to add a second tone cap.

Just some ideas.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo