Hi Steve

I don't own Synth V, at least yet. I played the song on guitar the way I would have written the chord progression. I will now go ask the AI to use a similar chord progression and see what it comes up with.

I am currently just experimenting with AI to see what I think is usable that it generates. This is a learning curve and will take some time.

I have eye surgery again on Thursday, so I will have a few days confined to the house to work on this.

All of these software programs are useful, BIAB, AI, Synth V, DAWs, plus playing live instruments, but they take up a ton of time. The learning curve is pretty intense.

What I suspect the results will be is AI will be helpful in generating ideas that will then need to be developed using specific theoretical musical knowledge.

It is time-consuming to ask the Ai enough questions to get some idea of what it is capable of in the area of subjective art.

What other chord progressions would it come up with if asked the same question using the other six modes? Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian, for those of you who may not know these modes.

I also need to ask for examples of published "government Protest" type songs.

It is just impossible to assume anything about what this AI knows other than general technical, scientific information, which it seems to understand pretty well.


Last edited by Planobilly; 01/24/23 07:08 AM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo