
i respect how far youve brought RB.

but sometime please look at how easy it is to edit a track (or parts of a trak ) in reaper.

some ideas.

rather than using automation drawing (which often is difficult to do v accurately ) …some examples.

1..i want to fix a plosive at start of sung word….its easy. i place the cursor in front of a word and cut at cursor, then put mouse at left of word and a likkle fade in thingy appears
which i can drag at front of word till i'm happy.
2..lets say i'm doing vocal but one word is a tad too high in volume, just hilite the word
split word (so other parts of trak arent affected either side of word) …then i hold mouse over top of the word clip and pull it down till happy.
3..lets say there is some noise eg a cough or whatever at beginning of a word… its a doddle..i just place cursor where noise starts…then split at mouse on left hand side in the middle and drag to right et voila silenced before word starts.
can do same at end of word etc.

there are lots of other editing neat features in reaps i like.the above are just a few examples.

but i typically find vol automation a pain in any daw , and for me i like to get deep into the various sections of a trak for v precise edits. per above. thus i tend to take my rb traks into reaps to do these types of precise deep edits cos i find them a little easier to do.
but i would prefer to stay in rb.

ive said it before and again i would respectfully suggest with a few more enhancements (some ive suggested in the rb wishlist) imho musicians would beat down the doors to use rb.

have a wonderful 2023 mate.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 01/28/23 01:57 PM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)