Originally Posted By: Bass Thumper
Leon and Janice, great job. I liked this fun little song.

"The man by her side
Yeah he’s saying I will
With his eye on the bridesmaid
And his hand in the till"

The guitar and sitar work is especially wonderful

Originally Posted By: rayc
BRILLIANT...your 12 strings. elec. guitar tone is perfect - via l'Variaxe and the sitar inside the song is also great.
Leon's vocal and phrasing are cool...some of the phrasing was counter intuitive but gives a distinctive edge to the delivery.
there is, however, in my headphones a strident overload on Leon's vocal at & around 5kHz....a wide scoop at and about that makes his vocal sit beautifully.
Janice's vocals are great and have the effect of taming, by contrast, the stridency.
This song has some sense of The Zimmermen of Young Modern...every so slightly country flavoured power pop.

Thanks for mentioning my small part!
