Hi Steve (Bass Thumper), Marty, Tommyad, Ray and Andi,

I took a week off to recover a bit more, but then I got nervous because I had not yet responded to your kind and thoughtful responses!
And then I also saw you weren't waiting at all, but busy making new songs. So I have a lot to do.
But of course I am very happy with all your responses. No misunderstanding about that!

Originally Posted By: Bass Thumper
Hey Hans, I'm not sophisticated enough to fully appreciate the music as it is quite complex and not in my limited wheelhouse [yet?]. But man, I give you more credit than I can express for the messages in this song.

Here in the US one could argue we are the worlds leading exporter of expertise-denialism including climate denial and vaccine denial. Remember hydroxychloroquine, bleach and beams of light? Not to mention our Jan 6.

We babyboomers may have contributed a lot to progress but I'm looking forward to when Gen X takes the baton.

Keep speaking the truth brother!

Hi Steve, I didn't know my music was that sophisticated to not fit in your wheelhouse. But you did learn me how to say these things. I had to look it up on Google Translate. Thanks for that! The only 'alien' instrument I used was that sitar, I thought. All other stuff was from BiaB, my keyboard and some loops.

But you are right, we have a lot of troubles to face. And I'm not looking forward to seeing Generation X deal with that. I'm afraid it takes some kind of disaster before we're willing to learn from what goes wrong. But I enjoyed making the song and you appreciated the lyrics. Thanks for listening!

Originally Posted By: BabuMusic
Hi, Hans. You KNOW I loved the somewhat-out-of-place sitar right from the start. That's the only credit I deserve for this masterpiece. I really like how you work, how you build a song and keep changing it to make it even better. You vocals are always SO GOOD. Pneumonia has nothing on you. Well, you already know how much I love this song, and how good you are at including dynamics.

Hi Marty, well... you are a little modest about your role. But you were also fighting a blizard when I was changing the song all the time. and i'm glad you always stayed positive during that process. It is nice working with you, Marty!

Originally Posted By: tommyad
Wow! That was really something. A powerful message wrapped inside a great vocal and surrounded by a unique arrangement. My old brain had a bit of trouble trying to follow the quickly changing chord progression but you were on it the whole way. I liked the sitar for it's worldly appeal. After all it's a global problem. The drums sound great and the mix is outstanding. I loved it from start to finish, just glad I didn't have to play on it. Lol, Tom

Hi Tom, the song wasn't that complicated. I always try to make songs I can play if I was on stage. I'm not doing that anymore, but it still is my starting point. And the guitar players were having a 'lazy'job, (one or two strokes on a bar). Only that bariton had a heavy job. And the singer! ;-)
Thanks for this nice review

Originally Posted By: rayc
Nice one Hans,
a complete success...love the vocal & message.

Hi Ray, thanks for the compliments and the actions from you on the lyrics. Sorry I then changed all lyrics...

Originally Posted By: PROJECT M
Hello Hans
Really cool song
I was partly present at the creation
And you really managed to improve the song again and again and to make adjustments respectively
And that was certainly not an easy task with this song
And your idea with the sitar, which you had from the beginning, was the right idea.
Great work my friend
Many greetings
Andi ;-)

Hi Andi, sure you were partly engaged in the song. And even an important part. I met your brother because of that! I also was amazed he didn't explode on all changements I made in or according to the song. On the contrary; he told me it was a very nice thing to do.
The changements were sometimes coming in an odd way; f.i. in a dream I heard the intro of a BeeGees song again and again and then I knew I had to alter my intro. Not like that BG song, but in the build up. That's also why I changed the outro. And the Sitar... I am not fond of the sound of a sitar, but I wanted to try it. And it worked out well when trying it in BiaB. That's what I love about that program.
So, thanks for your so kind respons and cooperation for the making of the song!

Here, things are going better every day. I hope with all of you too,

Hans Berkhout