Originally Posted By: mrgeeze
I see you use SoundCloud to post your original music.
I play mostly covers.

Apparently SoundCloud is not a place for covers.

Do you know of any spots online where Icould post my covers for prospective clients to audition?

Many covers can be posted on youtube. I have never understood the legality of doing that. Some get taken down, and others stay up.

If you want to get in a more professional mode, you can stream your music direct to a client's DAW directly with Audiomovers.

As far as I understand, there is no 100% legal way to produce covers without permission.

In the U.S., there are three ways to obtain a mechanical license for a cover song: (1) through the compulsory licensing procedure established by law; (2) from the Harry Fox Agency if they administer the musical composition for the song; or (3) directly from the publisher of the song.

Just because something is allowed/disregarded on some website does not make it legal. The legal ramifications of violation of copyright law have to date, produced results ranging from nothing to severe and very costly lawsuits.

I am not a music business attorney. What I just posted is not legal advice. It is just my opinion.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo