Hi Vic, BD Thomas, RnAM, Deej, Scott and mr. Storm,

It had taken a while, but here is my reaction to your so nice posts.
The sitar was a discussion. Do you like it or not?
I think the majority choose in favor of it. And no one jumped out of the window.
So, so that's a win for the sitar!

Originally Posted By: vicarn
I hope your health has changed for the better, Hans.
I think the chord changes flow well and I don't mind the sitar.
The mix and lyric is good too.


Hi Vic, you said you don't mind the sitar, I saw that as a win for that thing (in this song)
But at first, I feeling better every day, but it was a nasty thing. Thanks for asking.
And also thanks for your nice words!

Originally Posted By: B.D.Thomas
Good job by all involved.

I like your song ... despite the Sitar grin

Hi BD, I take your words about the sitar as a win for it. Couldn't you let Natalie play (musically) with that thing in a new song?
I think it would be a surprise in your genre, don't you?

Originally Posted By: RnAM
Hi Hans and others,

Very good music, lyrics and vocals.
Powerful song!


Hi Anne-Marie, I was afraid the vocals would be bad because of my healt issue, but they were getting better just in time.
Thanks for your compliments. You didn't say anything bad about the sitar, so I think that's a win for that thing too, doesn't it?

Originally Posted By: Deej56

First off, I hope you are doing better health wise, and that this is a sign we’ll hear more from you. What I like about this right off from a production standpoint is the percussion and bass, this really keep this song driving forward. Thematically, the write delivers . . . and your vocal is terrific. Always has me thinking of Al Stewart when I hear you. Good mix and production choices . . . though I’m not sure I’m sold on the sitar. I think another instrument might serve the song better . . . but that said, it works far better than I would have thought. Good stuff!

All my best to you,


Hi Deej, yes, you will here some more songs from me, it's getting better. Thanks you asked.
Al Steward... well that's nice to read! I've never compared me with him, but I like the idea...
And all the other compliments are also very nice. I can't see your words as a win for the sitar, but try it in one of your songs. It would definitely fit. And I am no fan at all of that instrument. So, don't be afraid, let it make your new song, along with a Harp?

Originally Posted By: Scott C
So glad you are feeling better Hans. I think the sitar was a cool add to the song. Super vocal and excellent lyric. Trying to pay attention to all the craziness in the world is tiring. Excellent backtrack and chord progressions. Well done.

Hi Scott, thanks for your concern about my healt. But it is improving! Thanks also for the compliments on the song. And yes, I have that too, becoming tired of all those problems. But we must do something, I think...

Originally Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm
Your message speaks true and to the heart of the problems we face.

And I really like the sitar! Good job!

Ah, Ezekiel, the final post is from you and also a win for the sitar. Maybe something good comes from all the mess of today...?
Thanks for your compliments!

Wish you all a lot of creativity (and try a sitar too in a song...)

Hans Berkhout