Nice blues. Such a good job on this.

I wasn't aware that Floyd was a lead guitar picker.... learn something new everyday I reckon.

Edit: I came back to listen again with the good buds. This edit is going to focus on the guitar. To start, the guitar is not loud enough in the entire song. The tone and treatment on it seems to put it in a different place from the rest of the band. Everything else is tight but the guitar is squishy, if that makes sense. Much of that can be attributed to the slow bending. It doesn't sound like it is cohesive. In a number of places, it was interfering with the vocals and was distracting from Janice's voice. Personally, if I was going to play that guitar part, I would back off the reverb and distortion. Clean it up and give it a bit more crunch. Make the fills a bit more concise and avoid the continuous bends. The vocals can bend and slur, but use caution when attempting that on the guitar. It's a delicate balance.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 02/08/23 04:31 AM.

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The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.