Originally Posted By: Bass Thumper
Pro all the way. If I were to tweak anything here it would be another 4dB on Marty's bass.
Dave, when is PG Music going to record you so the rest of us can utilize your great sound?
I love the whole thing.

Hi Bass Thumper,

Thanks for your very kind words, very much appreciated!

As far as the mix goes, I always come back to the mix a week or two later after the initial release, I find after not hearing the song for a while I'll often hear things I missed the first time.

I haven't done that yet with this one, but I'll pay special attention to the bass when I do that, it's possible it could come up a db or two. Any more than that would affect the balance of the entire mix, and that's a rabbit hole I want to avoid wink

Thanks again, I see you have a new one up, I'll be over shortly to give it a spin.

Originally Posted By: NigelSpiers
Hi Dave,

I liked this song - excellent guitar playing and good vocals.

Best Regards

Thanks, Nigel.