Try going into the main menu (Edit - Track - Merge) and, if, in that dialog, Merge audio to Mono is checked, then that's what is causing the problem. Turns out if that command (for merging tracks) were used and the mono checkbox was checked then it could cause a regular render to generate a mono wav instead of stereo.
If that checkbox is checked, then, you could merge a track to a blank track with that checkbox unchecked which would reset it, or go into Options - Reset to Default Settings which would also reset it (and all other settings).

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
trackmerge.jpg (163 KB, 27 downloads)
Track Merge - Make sure the checkbox is unchecked or it could affect regular rendering.
Last edited by Jeff Yankauer; 02/15/23 12:26 PM.

Jeff Yankauer